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EP-200 System Access

  • EP-200.01 Logon Procedures
  • EP-200.02 Accessing the Data Entry Screen
  • EP-200.03 Logoff Procedures
  • EP-200 System Access

    EP-200.01 Logon Procedures EP-200.02 Accessing the Data Entry Screen EP-200.03 Logoff Procedures

  • EP-300 EPIS Inquiries

    EP-300.01 Participant Data Information EP-300.02 Participant Component Information EP-300.03 Participant Employment Information EP-300.04 Name Search EP-300.05 Participation Rate Queries EP-300.06…

  • WF-1800 Broadcast Messages

  • EP-100 Introduction

    EP-100.01 General Information EP-100.02 Confidentiality of Client Information

  • WF-1700 State Office Contacts

    WF-1700.01 Division of Information Resource Management (DIRM) WF1700.02 Division of Social Services (DSS) WF1700.03 Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) WF1700.04…

  • WF-1500 Medicaid Coverage Procedures

    WF-1500.01 Deductible Balance/Patient Monthly Liability Screen/SP(DB/PML) WF-1501 Managed Care (HMO) WF-1501.01 General Information WF-1501.02 HMO Policy WF-1501.03 HMO On-Line Enrollment…

  • WF-1600 TDC – TANF Collection Report Instructions

    WF-1600.01 General WF-1600.02 System Access WF-1600.03 General Rules for Data Completion for TANF Sample Cases WF-1600.04 Case Level Data (Family…

  • WF-1300 Work First Benefits

    WF-1300.01 General Information WF-1300.02 Accessing the Work First Benefits Screen WF-1300.03 Work First Benefits (Codes) WF-1300.04 Check Issuance Through the…

  • WF-1400 Tracking Functions

    WF-1400.01 24/60 Month Time Limit Tracking WF-1400.02 Benefit Diversion Tracking WF-1400.03 Work First Family Violence Waiver Tracking WF-1400.04 Job Bonus…

  • WF-1100 On-Line Dss-8125 Screen Instructions

    WF-1100.01 Accessing the Dss-8125 Process WF-1100.02 Dss-8125 General Information WF-1100.03 Application Approvals WF-1100.04 Disposition Date WF-1100.05 Making Changes to An…

Document Category: Work First Users

  • EP-200 System Access

    EP-200.01 Logon Procedures EP-200.02 Accessing the Data Entry Screen EP-200.03 Logoff Procedures

  • EP-300 EPIS Inquiries

    EP-300.01 Participant Data Information EP-300.02 Participant Component Information EP-300.03 Participant Employment Information EP-300.04 Name Search EP-300.05 Participation Rate Queries EP-300.06 PF Keys

  • WF-1800 Broadcast Messages

  • EP-100 Introduction

    EP-100.01 General Information EP-100.02 Confidentiality of Client Information

  • WF-1700 State Office Contacts

    WF-1700.01 Division of Information Resource Management (DIRM) WF1700.02 Division of Social Services (DSS) WF1700.03 Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) WF1700.04 Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS)

  • WF-1500 Medicaid Coverage Procedures

    WF-1500.01 Deductible Balance/Patient Monthly Liability Screen/SP(DB/PML) WF-1501 Managed Care (HMO) WF-1501.01 General Information WF-1501.02 HMO Policy WF-1501.03 HMO On-Line Enrollment WF-1501.04 Managed Care Enrollment Screen Instructions WF-1501.05 Initial HMO Enrollment WF-1501.06 Managed Care History Inquiry WF-1501.07 Managed Care Provider Data Inquiry WF-1501.08 Individual and Medicaid Eligibility History Inquiry WF-1501.09 Case/Individual Changes and HMO WF-1501.10 Db/PML…

  • WF-1600 TDC – TANF Collection Report Instructions

    WF-1600.01 General WF-1600.02 System Access WF-1600.03 General Rules for Data Completion for TANF Sample Cases WF-1600.04 Case Level Data (Family Screen) WF-1600.05 Person Level Data (Adults Screen) WF-1600.06 Children Data Screen WF-1600.07 The Affiliate Data Screen WF-1600.08 Search Criteria WF-1600.09 Logging Out of The TANF Data Collection System WF-1600.10 Review for Completion and Accuracy

  • WF-1300 Work First Benefits

    WF-1300.01 General Information WF-1300.02 Accessing the Work First Benefits Screen WF-1300.03 Work First Benefits (Codes) WF-1300.04 Check Issuance Through the Work First Benefits Screen WF-1300.05 Change in Status from Issue Pending to Hold Status WF-1300.06 Payments with A System Generated Frozen Status WF-1300.07 Work First Benefits History WF-1300.08 Work First Benefits and Eligibility Tracking WF-1300.09…

  • WF-1400 Tracking Functions

    WF-1400.01 24/60 Month Time Limit Tracking WF-1400.02 Benefit Diversion Tracking WF-1400.03 Work First Family Violence Waiver Tracking WF-1400.04 Job Bonus Tracking WF-1400.05 Work First Family Assistance Sanction Tracking WF-1400.06 Teen Parent Tracking WF-1400.07 Work First/Transitional Quarterly Reporting WF-1400.08 Job Quit Tracking WF-1400.09 Disability Tracking

  • WF-1100 On-Line Dss-8125 Screen Instructions

    WF-1100.01 Accessing the Dss-8125 Process WF-1100.02 Dss-8125 General Information WF-1100.03 Application Approvals WF-1100.04 Disposition Date WF-1100.05 Making Changes to An Active Case WF-1100.06 Making Changes to An Inactive (Terminated) Case