Document Tag: Change Notice
CN-02-2005: This change notice transmits revisions to the Work First User’s Manual.
CN-01-2004: The purpose of this change notice is to provide instructions for the Systematic Alienage Verification Eligibility (SAVE) Information System web site.
CN-03-2004: The purpose of this change notice is to provide an update to the Work First User’s Manual to support the implementation of the Work First changes in the TANF State Plan approved by the General Assembly (P.L. 104-193).
CN-02-2004: The purpose of this change notice is to provide instructions for the implementation of the Race, Ethnicity, and Language preference (R/E/L) changes to the Work First User’s Manual.
CN-01-2003: The purpose of this change notice is to provide instructions for the implementation of the new Work First User’s Manual.
EFS-WF-CN-01-2024: Policy Update
EFS-WF-CN-01-2024: Attachment – 104D – Family Violence Option
EFS-WF-CN-05-2023: Policy Updates – WF Policy Section 263 Part III
EFS-WF-CN-05-2023: Attachment – WF Policy Section 263 Part I
EFS-WF-CN-05-2023: Policy Updates – WF Policy Section 263 Part II