Document Tag: Change Notice
CN-06-2004: These changes are being implemented to conform to changes contained in the TANF State Plan approved by the General Assembly (P.L. 104-193) that was effective October 1, 2003.
CN-13-2004: The purpose of this change notice is to correct code “AJCD” which is used to decrease balance on a claim in EPICS.
CN-12-2004: An EPIS reporting calendar for September 2004 has been added to Figure 1 of Section 118.
CN-14-2004: The Audit/Dast-10 (DSS-8218) has been modified to include a date and client identification number line.
CN-02-2003: This section adds new policy, criteria and instructions for reporting aliens who are residing in the U.S. unlawfully.
CN-01-2003: The purpose of this Change Notice is to revise the EPIS Reporting Calendar to reflect the weeks for Federal Fiscal Year 2003.
CN-04-2003: The purpose of this change notice is to delete all references to Automated Food Stamps (AFS).
CN-03-2003: The purpose of this change is to clarify existing Family Violence Policy to include more specific guidelines in the areas of training, notification, screening, waivers, and confidentiality.
CN-06-2003: Specific requirements are listed to clarify which eligibility requirements of the Work First Family Assistance Program must be met for Benefit Diversion.
CN-05-2003: The federal poverty guidelines for this year have been received. This change notice provides the updated monthly amounts for 2003.