Document Tag: Change Notice
CN-07-2003: The purpose of this change notice is to incorporate instructions for writing off claims for overpayments and to incorporate policy regarding the “O” Appeal Indicator for North Carolina Debt Setoff from DSS Administrative Letter 6-2002.
CN-09-2003: This change gives instructions for assessing the eligibility of battered immigrants and removes instructions on deeming the income of sponsors.
CN-08-2003: Section 113 of the Work First Manual is deleted and instructions on determining incapacity are moved from Section 113 into Section 119.
CN-10-2003: When keying hours into EPIS for October 2003, verify that hours are entered for five weeks.
CN-SIS-05-2023: New Program Code Medicaid Assistance Expansion (MAE) has been added and is valid with service codes 872,875,890,891,and 892. New Program Code Family and Children’s Medicaid -MA Expansion (MIX) has been added and is valid with service codes 872,890,891, and 892. Appendix B has been edited to reflect the changes above.
CN-SIS-03-2023: SIS100.01 has been revised to remove the reference to the DSS-5010 form. The DSS-5010 form was repurposed several years ago and is no longer applicable to this section. Appendix B has been edited to reflect the changes above.
CN-SIS-04-2023: SIS400.02 has been revised to change the title for Program Code MIC from Medicaid for Infants and Children/MIC” to “Family and Children’s Medicaid””
CN-SIS-01-2023: Service Code 870 – Eligibility/Family and Children’s Medicaid definition has been revised.
CN-SIS-02-2023: New Program Codes Continuous Coverage Unwinding and Medicaid Expansion (CCU) and MIC/NCHC Continuous Coverage Unwinding and Medicaid Expansion (MCU)
CN-SIS-01-2023: Program Code Health Choice (HC) is now obsolete and has been replaced with new Program Code Medicaid for Infants and Children (MIC). Program Code MIC is valid with service codes 870,872,890, 891, and 892.