Document Tag: Change Notice
CN-SIS-05-2022: Appendix A has been revised: Service Code 887 Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) and Program Code WAP title was revised.
CN-SIS-02-2022: Appendix B has been edited to reflect the changes above.
CN-SIS-03-2022: Appendix B has been revised and update to incorporate required changes in response to the federal IV-E regulations.
CN-SIS-04-2022: Appendix B has been revised: New Service Code 205 (APS Essential Services)
CN-SIS-01-2022: Appendix B has been edited to reflect the changes above
CN-SIS-02-2022: Updates have been made to Service Codes 887, 889, and 893 under Section SIS300.07.
CN-SIS-01-2022: Service Codes 889 and 893 has been revised.
CN-SIS-06-2021: New Service Codes 887 Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) with Program Code WAP and 893 Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (Services) Part II Only. Appendix B has been edited to reflect the changes above.
CN-SIS-05-2021: SIS 100.02 Use of the Form has been updated to include revised instructions when using the DSS-5027 form.
CN-SIS-03-2021: SIS100.03 Completing the Form and SIS100.04 DSS-5027 Data Entry Instructions and have been edited to reflect the changes SIS300.09 Definition has been revised with a new definition, SIS400 Program Code Definitions has been revised with a new Definition